Chris Padilla/Blog / Improv
C Fingerstyle Barre Improv
Just messing around today!
E Minor Cowboy Waltz 🤠
Improvising a Dosey Doe in the ol' 3/4 🌵
Folkin' in G
I already broke a string and learned how to restring this guitar. What an adventure!
Barre Chord Improv
Been LOVING this new instrument!
Alt Guitar Idea
Shaking that guitar and stretching my barre chords
Money Jam
Jams over chords for a tune called Pay Me My Money Down. $$$
Junkyard Jam
Jamming over AC New Murder's Junkyard Jam. 🗑
Still so happy with how the vibe turned out with this track. It sounds like a leather jacket and sunglasses. 😎
By the way, you can —
Major Seven Dreamy Idea
A floaty idea that hasn't quite made it into a full tune yet. 🍃